Guest Host Todd Herman
Todd Herman filled in for El Rushbo on the last day of 2019. Check out Todd’s Stack of Stuff — and get ready for 2020.
Todd Herman filled in for El Rushbo on the last day of 2019. Check out Todd’s Stack of Stuff — and get ready for 2020.
Todd Herman filled in for Rush. Check out Todd’s Stack of Stuff — and remember, Rush 24/7 Members can enjoy all three hours of this or any broadcast via audio streaming or as a podcast.
Check out these stories from Ken Matthews' Stack of Stuff on the final Open Line Friday of the year.
Check out these stories from Ken Matthews' Stack of Stuff — and remember, Rush 24/7 Members can enjoy all three hours of this or any broadcast via audio streaming or as a podcast.
Undocumented anchorman Mark Steyn filled in for Rush. Check out Mark’s Stack of Stuff — and remember, Rush 24/7 Members can enjoy all three hours of this or any broadcast via audio streaming or as a podcast.
RUSH: I ended up speaking for eight minutes. And I'm gonna play you some audio from it. And I need to tell you some things about it.
RUSH: Oh, they're scared to death. Oh, yeah, they can't believe it.
RUSH: She wants to remain speaker, and she's got to satisfy the fringe left that is becoming the base of the Democrat Party.
RUSH: Obama would like the radical left to take over this country as much as anybody.
RUSH: Don't be constrained by norms. Let your passion dictate what you want to do and be brave.
RUSH: The point I always try to make when I say, "Climate change is a hoax," is add "man-made."
RUSH: Folks, there was no way that was going to happen.
RUSH: Whatever this program has meant to you over these 30 years, it pales in comparison to what you being there every day has meant to all of us.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: President Trump does not need to be defended. The people that need to be defending themselves are the people attacking him and the people attacking us.
RUSH: They can’t run against Donald Trump with the truth, folks, it's just that simple. They’re going to run against him with lies and they’re going to lose.
RUSH: You may not believe me on this, but don't doubt me. They're panicking big time on the left.
RUSH: We now have Donald Trump, who is doing more for conservatism — and he isn't one — than any conservative prior to him with the exception of Ronaldus Magnus.
RUSH: He's driving them crazy. He's keeping them believing that Trump and Putin are buddies and are sabotaging the Democrats. I think it was hilarious.
RUSH: I don't believe they have the slightest idea what they are headed for in 2020. I really don't.