Rush 24/7 Morning Update: No Respect
RUSH: Lawlessness. When it comes to immigration, that's who the Democrats are.
RUSH: Lawlessness. When it comes to immigration, that's who the Democrats are.
RUSH: What we're gonna get is a repeat of the Kavanaugh strategy. As every effort they make blows up, they're gonna have another one right in line behind it.
RUSH: Did you tell Trump what Kelly and Tillerson were doing, or did you save it for the book?
RUSH: To me, Bloomberg has disqualified himself by simply sitting there and telling people in New York what they can and can't eat, how big their soft drinks can and can’t be.
RUSH: We're getting now into an election year; the Democrats know that that is a problem area for them.
RUSH: Just a casual observation after watching something here on TV about Mayor Pete doing well somewhere.
RUSH: The disconnect from Washington, D.C., to the rest of the country is as stark as it has ever been.
RUSH: Folks, when the New York Times is in a story, you can guarantee the whole thing is a manufactured event.
RUSH: Just remember, everything they have tried has blown up in their faces.
RUSH: This many people with the same facial-hair sculpture and design, hairstyle, glasses, face shape?
RUSH: This was a total managed lie. There was no study. There were no scientists.
RUSH: Single digits for low temperatures!
RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
Undocumented anchorman Mark Steyn filled in for Rush. Check out Mark’s Stack of Stuff — and remember, Rush 24/7 Members can enjoy all three hours of this or any broadcast via audio streaming or as a podcast.
RUSH: This whistleblower's attorney giving up the game! He even used the word "coup" back in 2017.
DONALD TRUMP JR.: We have to be vocal, we have to fight, we have to be willing to stand up.
RUSH: Here is the transcript that Schiff released that identified the name of the whistleblower.
RUSH: That was dynamite. I mean, that was awesome.
RUSH: I'm not gonna sit there and let this survive and hope nobody hears about it.
RUSH: There isn't anything substantive here… It's BS!