My On-the-Spot Analysis of the Democrat Debate
RUSH: Debate analysis with audio sound bite backup, and your phone calls are gonna be thrown in here as part of the mix as well. I just made some notes as this thing was happening last night.
RUSH: Debate analysis with audio sound bite backup, and your phone calls are gonna be thrown in here as part of the mix as well. I just made some notes as this thing was happening last night.
RUSH: We've already sent gobs of money to Baltimore. None of the problems have been addressed. And so Trump starts asking, "Where did it go?"
RUSH: Rachel Maddow, who was the queen of the Russia con… Her audience has now dwindled to the point she is in fifth place.
RUSH: Oh, my goodness. This is happening in the Ocasio-Cortez district?
RUSH: We're always going back to the past finding people's previous tweets and emails. Here, "infestation," he used the word "infested," you're a racist. Talking about his own town 20 years ago.
RUSH: Mayor Pete had a smudge above his right eyebrow last night.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media is worried that Biden cannot emerge from this pack, even though he leads it.
RUSH: President Trump has tweeted that this essentially means the end of the witch hunt. Now, I don't know about that, but it is in many ways a pretty big deal.
CALLER: I am delighted and overjoyed that President Trump is calling out all of the charlatan lying of this black politician.
RUSH: Mr. Zucker, let me tell you something. This is what you're missing. You don't have a bond with anybody in your audience.
RUSH: I, of course, try not to make this about me, my friends, but I've been making this point for a long time.
RUSH: This is the kind of ad the Democrats have never had to face.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
RUSH: Under a California law that took effect Tuesday, President Trump will not be allowed to appear on California’s primary ballot next year unless he releases his tax returns.