Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Kook Surge
RUSH: Kooks, the southern border may be porous, but I think Area 51 isn't. You might want to rethink this.
RUSH: Kooks, the southern border may be porous, but I think Area 51 isn't. You might want to rethink this.
RUSH: I gotta tell you. I want to yell those numbers at you, but I can't.
RUSH: Trump is pushing the Democrats and the Drive-Bys into staunchly defending the most radical haters this country has at the moment.
RUSH: It's a brilliant political move, what he's doing here, and it's being met with the typical, small-minded, knee-jerk reaction.
RUSH: This guy has been defending ICE ever since people like Cortez and her Squad began to defame it.
RUSH: I've got Andy McCarthy on the phone. I just saw him on Fox, and I sent him a quick note asking if he had five minutes.
RUSH: You know what the most popular theory for how Epstein got his money is?
RUSH: The Betsy Ross flag is so bad, it's so racist that Nike had to get rid of the shoe with the flag on it. The current American flag. That's racist. The national anthem is racist.
RUSH: Remember all those sages said that Trump would destroy our economy?
RUSH: We are where we are because people like Kasich have not pushed back ever for I don't know how long.
RUSH: I've been asking myself, "At some point, when do these people that watch this stuff every day reach their limit?"
RUSH: Look, folks. I'm just bummed out that there's not a new Apple beta today.
RUSH: This feature is for Rush 24/7 members. We update it in real time with specific stories I talk about on the program. And then we add any that I run out of time for and hold over for the next excursion into broadcast excellence.