Starbucks Shuts Down for Racial Reeducation Camp
RUSH: One of the videos that they will have to watch as part of their indoctrination will feature the rapper known as Common.
RUSH: One of the videos that they will have to watch as part of their indoctrination will feature the rapper known as Common.
RUSH: Snerdley walked in today to tell me how great and wonderful, thrilling and reassuring it was to have me back, he said, "You're not gonna believe this."
RUSH: We were all away on a golf trip this weekend, a bunch of us. And dinner Saturday night was outside on a patio at the home of the host.
RUSH: I have more emails, people asking, "Rush, who is this Tommy Robinson guy that they put in jail in the U.K.?"
RUSH: So ABC can can Roseanne, and that's fine and dandy, but the NFL can't say, "We don't want a malcontent like Kaepernick."
RUSH: Donald Trump is serious about making America great again. And whatever he's doing with Kim Jong-un, it's designed to be good for America.
RUSH: Donald Trump is doing what he can to save this league from a deep problem it finds itself in.
RUSH: For you Apple fans, they have released iOS 11.4 for your iPhone and iPad.
RUSH: The Mueller investigation is actually the cover-up. It's an attempt to cover up what these people did.
RUSH: There was never going to be a blue wave. That was every bit a manufactured story, like most of Drive-By Media is.
RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.
Todd Herman filled in for Rush. Check out Todd's Stack for links and audio clips.
Todd Herman, from AM 770 KTTH Seattle, filled in for Rush. Check out Todd’s Stack for links and audio clips.
RUSH: These are just the books that I'm aware of that I've been dabbling in here, or soon will be.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media has the vapors. They can't believe this. And James Comey is tweeting.
RUSH: It's delicious that of all people, to expose this incontrovertibly, it's Maude Behar.
RUSH: There's no other way to look at this other than a complete Donald Trump victory.
RUSH: When the media thinks I really need a comeuppance, they cite that monologue on April 1st, 1991.
RUSH: This has been a bugaboo of mine for I can't tell you how long.
RUSH: I'm making a brilliant, brilliant, satirical point here, folks. I am nuking everything they are trying to twist this narrative into being each and every day.