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Coincidence? Market Plunges on Day of Trump SOTU

RUSH: I would not be surprised at all if a bunch of wealthy libs decide to take some profits yesterday and today to create the stock market plunge so that Trump doesn’t have a roaring stock market on the night of his State of the Union Address

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: The Stack of Stuff is updated in real time with specific things I got to, and also any things I intended to get to but didn’t have time: The Holdover Stack. If I don’t talk about it, you don’t need to know about it.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The Lowest

RUSH: This “history teacher” obviously felt totally comfortable saying these vile things inside a classroom with no fear of accountability. It says a lot about California schools and the left in general, doesn’t it?

The New York Times Exposes the Fakery of Twitter

RUSH: You can buy fake human beings and have them reported as following you. The names of people who have done this are listed in the story. They run from actors, to athletes, to pundits, to journalists.

McCabe Quits Ahead of FISA Memo

RUSH: The deputy FBI director, Andrew McCabe, has announced that he’s resigning.  Now, this is interesting timing.  We can only speculate as to why, and the only thing I would speculate is that we are perhaps going to see this four-page memo that Devin Nunes has prepared.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: These are the specific stories I talked about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but just ran out of time. It’s a real-time feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The Last Straw

RUSH: If a waiter in a California restaurant violates this law and voluntarily brings a customer a straw, that waiter will face a $1,000 fine, and could spend up to six months in jail.

Bombshell News of the Day: Trump’s Immigration Proposal

RUSH: I have my alternate theory on Trump's proposal of amnesty for 1.8 million DREAMers, and I want to combine that with what seems to be the reaction from Trump supporters and quasi-Trump supporters of genuine anger and disappointment.

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