Rush 24/7 Morning Update: It’s Called Karma
RUSH: Last week, ABC News reported on a huge frustration among Democrats: Trump’s judges.
RUSH: Last week, ABC News reported on a huge frustration among Democrats: Trump’s judges.
RUSH: It's gone beyond the fact that they know they're pushing a sham. It has now swallowed them, and they've become part of it. This is a major, major journalistic error that they're gonna try to sweep over and ignore. They got the date wrong because they thought they had Trump nailed on collusion, and what they did was actually overlook the fact that the data being offered was already on WikiLeaks. There was nothing secret, premature, early, private about it.
RUSH: Flooding the workforce with illegals suppresses wages, and the numbers of illegals even trying to get into the country is way down. Now we have 4.7% unemployment in the Hispanic community. I think that's incredible.
RUSH: Gloria Allred still has not released the yearbook so that it can be forensically tested. I wondered why she hasn't. Now we know why. Because the perp has admitted she forged it.
RUSH: Something that's got me rather disappointed today. I must admit I'm a bit down. There's a column by David Brooks in the New York Times today, and the title of the column is "The GOP Is Rotting." So I figured I had to play prominently in this because I've always played prominently in David Brooks columns. I'm always held up as one of the primary perpetrators in the dissolution of the party, the damage to the party. But I didn't make the cut.
RUSH: Would Jake Tapper drop the dime on his own network?
RUSH: Does Ms. Vonn realize half the people in America voted for Trump?
RUSH: This is the most amazing thing. You want to hear the Dan's Bake Sale story real quick?
RUSH: My instinctive answer to "Do I think Hillary will go to jail? Do I think Hillary will be indicted?" is "No."
RUSH: I haven't watched as many games this year since the kneeling protests began. It made me sad. But the Steelers are my team.
RUSH: You know, it seems that there are a lot of groups that stay loyal to the Democrats even though the Democrat Party is not loyal to the primary group they're members of.
RUSH: Yeah, I predicted it. I predicted it. The bots, you know, they don't hassle you.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.