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RUSH: You do not want to miss this, folks. Chelsea Clinton has tweeted or Facebooked or something. She’s trying to take over the act of Professor Irwin Corey. Do you remember Professor Irwin Corey? He was a comedian back in the Johnny Carson Tonight Show days, and he was billed as the world’s foremost authority, and he just muttered gibberish. He made fun of scientists and intellectuals. He had hair going everywhere, tennis shoes and an old western bar jacket with a little thin bow tie.

And Carson would say, “So, Professor, why do men wear shoes?” And he would go into this long dissertation, “That’s a two-part question. The first part of the question is why. Men have been trying to answer the question why since men have been speaking, since men have been wondering. The question why is open-ended. Nobody knows why. Everybody wants to know why. Why can never be answered. It’s always being asked, wanting to be asked, asking why means people are curious.” It went on and on and on. “As to, do men wear shoes, yes.”

Anyway, he was widely known. He was one of my favorite comedians and I am convinced that Chelsea Clinton is attempting to take over and steal his act.


RUSH: Chelsea Clinton has linked climate change to child marriage. “‘Climate change’ and ‘child marriage’ are ‘interconnected’ issues, said Chelsea Clinton on Monday. Participating in a left-wing discussion panel framed as a meeting for ‘social justice,’ she was introduced as an ‘activist, thought leader, and change agent.’ Using ‘climate change’ as a euphemism for the narrative of anthropogenic global warming, Clinton framed the burning of fossil fuels as exacerbating other perceived social and political issues.”

Now, I read the headline that I just shared with you, and then I read what, you know, she’s a Twitter queen. Chelsea is an acknowledged Twitter queen. I read what she said and I realized it’s nonsense, utter nonsense. It’s utter, utter nonsense that she thinks is brilliant. No doubt her mom and dad think it’s brilliant, and half the people listening to her think it is just unbridled brilliance. And I’m telling you, folks, it is anything but that.

She’s now setting herself up as world’s foremost authority, stealing professor Irwin Corey’s act. Ready for this? Here’s what she said. I’m gonna read it with a quasi-Chelsea voice. Not an exact impersonation, but I don’t want my own voice in a normal tone of expression being caught by anybody on tape actually saying these words. So I want it known that I’m impersonating here. Ready, here we go, three, two, one.

“[We] carry multiple concerns in both our head and our heart. Just listening to the concerns around education and climate change, women’s health, child marriage, access to technology, all of those are of course interconnected. We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness.

“We have to realize, especially at this moment, that sexism is not an opinion. Islamophobia is not an opinion. Racism is not an opinion. Homophobia is not an opinion. Jingoism is not an opinion. So I think that in our posture of listening, we also have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out.”

She said that. And then there were wild cheers and applause like people had never heard this kind of brilliance. And it’s gobbledygook. It is literally nothing. There’s nobody that has the slightest idea what she’s saying. Well, I take it back. I could probably translate this. If I wanted to spend the time, I could probably tell you what she’s trying to say. It would worry me if I succeeded, so I’m not gonna make that big an effort.

Barbara Bush, the eldest daughter of George W. Bush, was also on the panel describing access to health care goods and services as a right. She said, “I’m really lucky in that the work that I do at Global Health Corps, I get to work with young leaders from around the world that are passionate about social justice and believe that health is a human right.”

And then Chelsea piped in, “Health is a human right!” So at least Barbara Bush, right or wrong, you know what she’s saying. Chelsea Clinton, and what is she the product of? Well, she is the product of her parents. What in the world must this young woman have heard growing up?

I’m trying not to laugh here. You know, we’ve been told to respect the offspring of our presidents and first ladies. We’ve been told not to include the children in the media. Well, yeah, unless their name is Trump of course, obviously.

Okay, now, let me read this in my normal voice, and you tell me if this is brilliant. Imagine this… I’m monologing, folks, and I’m actually trying to convince you. “We carry multiple concerns in both our ahead and our heart. We have concerns in our head; we have concerns in our heart. There are multiple concerns, and just listening to the concerns around education…” Did you know that concerns surround education? “I’ve often thought about the concerns around education and the concerns around climate, and I’ve listened to these concerns.

“I’ve listened more than anybody else has to the concerns around education and climate change. I’ve listened to the concerns, uhhh, around women’s health, the concerns around child marriage and what climate change has to do with child marriage. Did you know there’s an interconnectedness, connectivity between child marriage and climate change? And then the concerns of access to technology. All of those are, of course, interconnected connectivity. We have to focus, people! We have to focus on each of them in their interconnectedness.”

What did I just say?

Does anybody know?

Can anybody tell me what I just said?

You can’t tell me, is the point I was trying to make. I defy you! Next part — again, reading it as me. “We have to realize, folks — especially at this moment — sexism isn’t an option! Islamophobia is not an option. Racism is not an option. Homophobia? That’s not an option! Jingoism? That’s not an option.” At this point, the crowd asks: An option for what? “It’s not an option! That’s all you need to know. Racism, homophobia, sexophobia, jingoism, interconnected fiffy-phobia is not an option. So I think in our posture of listening, we have to get comfortable with standing up and speaking out; not sitting down and crying.”

And she’s hailed as one of the bright lights and bright stars of the future. That’s scary. That’s really scary.

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