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RUSH: “Job Claims in the United States Hit 28-Year Low“. Did you know that? Have you seen that? “Unemployment Rate Down to 4.4%.” That’s where it was during George W. Bush when we were smoking. Jobless claims hit a 28-year low. It’s not an isolated story. Could it perhaps be related to this: “Mexican Border Apprehensions Hit a 17-year Low“? Isn’t it amazing what happens when you have a strong, unwavering leader who claims he’s gonna enforce the law?

I’m speaking of Trump and Jeff Sessions. Just the threat to build a wall is already reducing illegal immigration, the attempt to get here illegally. It is down over 70%. You think that might have something to do with the jobless rate hitting a 28-year low? “The arrests of illegal immigrants crossing the southwest border by Border Patrol agents decreased again in April. This is the fifth straight month of decline. The total apprehensions of illegal border crossers hit a 17-year low.”

From CNN Money: “OPEC has asked a favor of other major producers: Please stop pumping so much [damn oil] and help us balance the market.” They’re primarily asking us, the United States. OPEC — which, during Democrat administrations, has owned us. But now we are producing oil. We may be the largest reserve market in the world now with the discovery of shale and the ability to frack and get it out of the ground. Let’s talk about being energy independent. You know, politicians for 35 years have been promising energy independence. Now it is happening under the Trump administration, and OPEC says, “Please don’t pump so much oil! We’re dying over here!”

And there’s more.


RUSH: And he’s still pursuing his agenda, such as OPEC begging us to stop producing oil and unemployment numbers at a 28-year low. Angela Merkel! “Germany intends to increase its defense spending in coming years to meet NATO’s target of 2% of GDP, Angela Merkel announced yesterday.”

I only mention this to point out that Trump is the only one who’s demanded that. Trump is the one who says, “Everybody in NATO should get out of NATO if you’re not gonna pair your fair share. We’re tired of it. We’re not gonna pay your share and ours.” Ask yourself a question: Angela decided to fess up and pledge Germany’s membership fee, which is 2% of your GDP on defense in your own country. She decided yesterday to do this. Why? Why would Angela Merkel…? If she’s watching the news in the United States, why would she do anything Trump wanted?

Why wouldn’t Angela Merkel be sitting there thinking Trump’s gonna be history in a couple of months? Why wouldn’t Angela Merkel say, “I don’t have to do what Trump asked me to do! I don’t have to react to Trump. Trump’s history. Trump’s gone. I can see what’s happen.” Why would she do this? Why would border patrol agents wrap up apprehension and deportation if Trump’s gonna be going places, he’s history, the media’s won? Why are all these people reacting like Trump’s gonna be there for a while and don’t want to end up on his bad side, hmm?

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