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RUSH: Howard County, Maryland is a Democrat Party stronghold. Dems outnumber Republicans two-to-one. It’s an upper-middle-class county, with lots of professionals, including scientists and engineers. But a fifth of the population are immigrants.

So. Howard County decided to declare itself a “sanctuary”  defying the Trump Administration’s enforcement of immigration laws. Democrats figured the measure would pass overwhelmingly.

They were wrong. It got fierce blowback. Not, primarily, from the outnumbered Republicans. To the shock of Democrats, it was the legal immigrants of Howard County who formed a wall of resistance.

These immigrants were outraged  that their own struggles to follow the rules and come here legally were being devalued by liberal Democrats. They spoke of the “high privilege” of becoming an American. They expressed fear of crime associated with illegal immigrant gangs which are already hurting their communities.

For many of them, the struggle to become naturalized American citizens took decades. They don’t want see their struggle to get here cheapened, or diminished, for the sake of Democrat Party politics.

The liberal Democrats who run Howard County were stunned. Which shows how out of touch they’ve become. Their Party doesn’t respect the rule of law or the value of the American dream for the very people they claim to represent. They could learn a great deal from these immigrants about their own country. Imagine that.

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