Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Would Have Been
RUSH: It’s not her fault. It was never gonna be her fault. Writing a book about it is “painful.” And no, she's not going away. That’s the message from Hillary Rodham Clinton.
RUSH: It’s not her fault. It was never gonna be her fault. Writing a book about it is “painful.” And no, she's not going away. That’s the message from Hillary Rodham Clinton.
RUSH: The left is outraged not at what he said about Trump and not the disgusting, despicable, guttural filthy stuff he said. No, it's that he made what many think is a gay joke, and that's just unacceptable.
RUSH: If somehow this outsider neophyte that doesn't know what he's doing is able to bring together the warring forces over there for so-called peace agreements, can you imagine the earthquake that would occur and all the think tank specialists who will no longer be needed for analysis and suggestions and all that.
RUSH: He says this with certitude. Notice all of these predictions, all of these dire consequences are made so far out, none of us will be alive to know whether Hawking's right or wrong. We're just gonna rely on the fact that he's right because he's so smart.
RUSH: Hello, Planned Parenthood. Hello, 1.7 million abortions every year.
RUSH: Tim Cook at Apple. You know, I'm an Apple guy. They had their quarterly financial report yesterday.
RUSH: This is a story from The Hill. Let me just read to you the headline and the opening paragraph and ask you what you think the story is about. Ready?
RUSH: So classified data gets sent from Huma to her husband, Carlos Danger, while he’s engaging in the phone sex or computer sex with the underage girls, so that he can print them out.
RUSH: We're not really talking about insurance here. When you get down to it, we're told that the argument here is about health insurance and the costs, the deductibles and the premiums and the copays, but that's not it. Health care long ago ceased to have anything to do with insurance. And when you're talking about preexisting conditions, we're not talking insurance.
RUSH: You know what I guess it is? I don't live in the donor world. I don't live in the fundraiser, donor world. I don't live in the world where you go ask people for money.
RUSH: The Drive-By Media is outraged. They're actually not outraged; they're jealous as they can be. They are envious as they can be and they're masking that as outrage. They are outraged that Trump responded to criticism from me on the budget deal.
RUSH: I don't know. I'm laughing myself silly here. I can't watch this and keep a straight face.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.