
Rush Limbaugh

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Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The Big Picture

RUSH: The endless tirades from hard-core liberal actors have turned off millions of their former customers. Hollywood is totally disconnected from much of its audience.

How Rush Revere Converted a Grandmother

CALLER: You know what? She had this opinion of everybody that, you know, loved me, loved my grandchildren, loved my family. And she said, "This man has enough compassion to want to help children," and it just changed her whole, complete attitude.

The Combination of Hatred and Victimhood Is Killing the Democrats

RUSH: Martin Luther King, I'll tell you what he said, that hate is too great a burden to bear, because hate burns fast. You can't build a movement on the smoldering ashes of hate, because there's never any redress. Once you start hating, you don't want to stop. It's what animates you; it's what informs you; it's what gives you your meaning in life.

Trump: No Tax Cuts Until Obamacare Is Fixed

RUSH: You want me to replicate some of the pessimism that's out there? I'll show you what's out there. (impression) "Well, really. So we can't do tax reform 'til we replace Obamacare, and it's clear that the Republicans in the House don't want to replace Obamacare? So we're never gonna get tax reform either, Rush! What do you say to that?" I know some of you are dialing the phone even now to tell me that. We shall see.

What’s George W. Bush Doing?

CALLER: Why, why, after all these years of silence does George W. Bush feel compelled to comment on the issues of the day?

It’s a Big Week for Trump and America

RUSH: As he laid some of this out with the governors in his speech today and as he's released little titillating, tantalizing details of the big speech tomorrow, it is very clear to me that Donald Trump is doing exactly what I suggested, what I hoped. And that's focusing on the domestic agenda.

Did the Russians Hack the Oscars?

RUSH: So did the Russians hack the Oscars? Should there be an investigation in the House? Something so ridiculous, so unacceptable, so un-Hollywood-like.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

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