
Rush Limbaugh

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CNN Smears Tom Price with Fake News

RUSH: They just do fake news. They lie about it, and, because of a lifetime of conditioning, you just believe it. The first reaction you have is to just believe it and say it's true. And, it turns out, it is totally made up! And now Trump and his team are demanding that CNN retract this.

The Republican Mandate Explained for Senator Thom Tillis

RUSH: How could anybody look at this election and this campaign and conclude that what voters wanted was the two parties to "break through the gridlock" and work together? Because what has happened in this country since 2010 is that the Democrat Party has been shellacked.

Why Sessions Must Not Recuse

RUSH: You do not give an inch with these people. You never presume they have moral authority to tell you how to operate. Never. You never acknowledge that. You never acknowledge that you have any kind of a problem compared to them. Never.

Get Used to Checking “Just In From Rush”

RUSH: We have a redesigned website, ladies and gentlemen, and one of the new features at RushLimbaugh.com is up there at the top of the home page, "Just In From Rush." This is where I do the equivalent of tweeting, but not limited by 140 characters, and I have posted three separate things there between last night and now.

The Pardon Process Has Been Hacked!

RUSH: Chelsea Manning has hacked the pardon process. But, apparently, it's okay. It's okay. He hacked the pardon process to get a pardon. It's perfectly fine: Just like Putin hacked the election, Manning hacked the pardon process. I don't see the difference, folks. I really, really don't.

Rush 24/7 Stack of Stuff

No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.

Quick Hits Page

Does It Bother You That Trump Says NATO Is Obsolete?…How to Talk About Trump With Your Progressive Adult Children… CIA Director Brennan Admits He Voted for a Communist… More Reasons Washington Is Scared to Death of Trump…

Walmart, GM Pledge to Create More US Jobs

RUSH: Is it really Trump? Is it? I guess what I'm asking is: Did Walmart never on their own think that taking action to build up the U.S. economy would benefit them?

Rush Talks with Bret Baier About the Eisenhower-Kennedy Transition

RUSH: We are happy to welcome to the program Bret Baier of Fox News, Special Report with Bret Baier, who has just a marvelous new book out. It's been out a week. It's Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower's Final Mission, and it's not exclusively about this, but delves into great detail about the transition from Eisenhower to JFK.

Trump Is Right: John Lewis Lied

RUSH: Trump… I'm telling you, folks, the guy… They just can't intimidate him, they can't scare him, they can't shut him up. He's back tweeting about John Lewis.

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