Reports from the Front: 10-Year-Old Gets Rush Revere from Her Local Library… But Another Library Rejects the Books! Oct 7, 2016RUSH: I want to grab the phones now because it’s Open Line Friday. We try to take as many as...
State-Controlled Media Wants You to Think the Election Is Over Oct 7, 2016RUSH: Now, look, I don’t want to alarm anybody. I just got a note here, and it’s from Maggie...
Joe Bite Me Fires Up Rally Crowd: I Know Some of You Are Not Crazy About Hillary Oct 7, 2016RUSH: Grab sound bite 23. Just in, Vice President Bite Me is in Bristol, Pennsylvania,...
How the Clintons Plundered Haiti Oct 7, 2016RUSH: Here is Bob in Las Vegas as we head back to the phones. Great to have you, Bob. ...
Clinton Campaign Operative Disguised as Journalist Asks Florida Governor to Extend the Voter Registration Deadline Oct 7, 2016RUSH: Jimmy in York, Pennsylvania. I’m glad you waited, Jimmy. Great to have you,...
Drive-Bys Trash Trump “Softball” Town Hall, But Ignore Hillary’s Staged Events Oct 7, 2016RUSH: The AP has a story here. Trump did a town hall. He has a big debate coming up Sunday night...
Mrs. Clinton: Climate Change Causes Hurricanes — And Trump Is Unfit to Fix It Oct 7, 2016RUSH: There have not been… In 11 years, there has not been a single major hurricane strike...
It Takes a Special Kind of Stupid to Be This Acquiescent to the State Oct 7, 2016RUSH: Yes siree, Bob. Greetings to you, music lovers, thrill-seekers, conversationalists all...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff Oct 7, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Hillary blames Hurricane on climate change; says Trump ‘totally...
Quick Hits Page Oct 7, 2016NFL Still Puzzled by TV Ratings Drop RUSH: Yes siree. Here we are in Los Angeles for our...
Morning Update: Vote Sham Oct 7, 2016Here we go again. Democrats are back in court, contesting ballots cast in Florida. Even before the...