Cruz Won’t Rule Out Comeback May 10, 2016RUSH: So I just saw that Ted Cruz was on the radio today, and he was asked whether or not he would...
Drive-Bys Rocked by Swing State Polls May 10, 2016RUSH: Well, the politics is a little shaken up today, folks, in all sectors, and that’s because of...
Why the Fakebook Scandal Is Important May 10, 2016RUSH: So the guy that they granted immunity to can’t find any emails, not a single email,...
The Next Step in Obama’s War on Suburbia May 9, 2016RUSH: Do you remember the name Stanley Kurtz? Stanley Kurtz is a writer of books, writer of...
Obama’s Hideous Howard Speech May 9, 2016RUSH: Tim in St. Louis. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hi. CALLER: First-time caller....
A Third-Party Vote Elects Hillary May 9, 2016RUSH: This is Michael in Caseville, Michigan. Great to have you. Hi. CALLER: Hi. How are you...
Victor Davis Hanson Cuts Through the Noise on Trump vs. Clinton May 9, 2016RUSH: During the break at the top of the hour, I came across the latest piece by Victor Davis...
John Kerry Promises Borderless World May 9, 2016RUSH: Here’s the quote from the haughty John Kerry who once served in Vietnam. Quote, “The...
Fakebook Blocks Conservative News May 9, 2016RUSH: Facebook. Yeah, yeah, yeah. See, this doesn’t surprise me. This is… I have to guard...
The Trump-Ryan Contretemps May 9, 2016RUSH: We got breaking news. Trump says he can win the White House without unifying the Republican...
The State of North Carolina Should Say It No Longer Identifies as North Carolina May 9, 2016RUSH: The North Carolina governor is turning right around and suing the DOJ on this bathroom law...
How Trump Became the Hero of the Media Narrative May 6, 2016RUSH: So I checked the emails during the break. Like clockwork, enough of them on the same theme...
Vicente Fox Blasts Trump’s Taco Bowl, Endorses Iron Lockbox Lady May 6, 2016RUSH: You know Trump… This is another classic illustration. Trump yesterday did Cinco de...
Ryan Should Move to Trump May 6, 2016RUSH: You know, people have sent me questions: “You never did get to the Donald Trump-Paul...
What Does “Plastic Banana” Mean? May 6, 2016RUSH: Here’s Jim in Dallas, Georgia. It’s great to have you next on the EIB Network. Hello, sir....
Hey, Folks, It’s Tea Season! May 6, 2016RUSH: Can you believe that it’s already early May? We had a cold front go through here. It...
The Average Anti-Trumper, Analyzed May 6, 2016RUSH: Joshua in Boulder, Colorado, you’re next, sir. Great to have you on the program. Hi. CALLER:...
Why It’s So Hard for the Washington Establishment to Line Up Behind Trump May 6, 2016RUSH: Jackson, New Jersey. Lucy, you’re first. Thank you for calling. Great to have you here. Hi....
Heavens to Murgatroyd, Rush! Tell Us What You Really Think May 6, 2016RUSH: Mike in Columbia, South Carolina. Great to have you on the program, sir. Hello. CALLER:...
The New York Times Celebrates How an Obama Aide with No Experience Helped His Boss Dupe America on the Iran Deal May 6, 2016RUSH: There’s a piece in the New York Times. I think it’s the Sunday magazine that’s coming this...