What Difference Does It Make Who I Endorse Now? May 23, 2016RUSH: This is Timothy, Lompoc, California. Great to have you with us, sir. Hello. CALLER:...
Sports Drive-Bys Upset by Poll Showing 90% of Native Americans Aren’t Offended by the Redskins Nickname May 23, 2016RUSH: On this Redskins business. They surveyed 504 Native American, Indians. Ninety percent of...
Hillary’s $21-Million Speech Scandal May 23, 2016RUSH: Now, I want to go back to these speeches, and I want to give you some points of comparison. ...
What Really Went Down in Baltimore May 23, 2016RUSH: Baltimore. Freddie Gray. Arresting officer Edward Nero found not guilty on all charges. ...
It Wasn’t Supposed to Go This Way for Mrs. Clinton May 23, 2016RUSH: Boy, they are just nervous as they can be out there — well, in Baltimore. But they are...
Quick Hits Page May 23, 2016Blabbermouth’s Primary Opponent Rakes in Cash After Bernie Endorsement RUSH: From TheHill.com:...
Pearls of Wisdom May 23, 2016“Hillary Clinton is owned by corporate America. Hillary Clinton’s presidency, if it ever...
Rush’s Stack of Stuff May 23, 2016TOP OF THE STACK • Why all the Hillary haters? • Clinton and Sanders Amass Appearances...
In the Old America, We Wanted to Elevate Everybody, Not Bring Everybody Down So They’re Easier to Control May 20, 2016RUSH: Back to the phones we go to Raleigh, North Carolina. This is Pepe. Pepe, great to have you...
The Obama-Biden Regime Never Held Private Sector Jobs, Yet They Arrogantly Force Rules on Businesses Like IBM May 20, 2016RUSH: Did you see this? “Vice president Joe Biden is worried about facing retirement from...
If You’re Ever Confused, Just Be Who You Are May 20, 2016RUSH: Donald Trump soon to address the annual convention of the National Rifle Association. I’ve...
How About Voting for Gary Johnson, Rush? May 20, 2016RUSH: Here’s Keith in Atlanta. Keith, I’m glad you waited. You’re next on Open Line Friday. Hi....
Outraged Judge Requires Every Obama Regime Lawyer Who Lied to the Courts About Amnesty to Go to Ethics Classes May 20, 2016RUSH: Did you hear about this federal judge that had this — how would you characterize it? ...
Fakebook’s Politicized Agenda, as Demonstrated By Their Twisting of Patricia Heaton’s Pro-Life Views May 20, 2016RUSH: We had a call yesterday from a guy we had to cut short ’cause we ran out of time. His name...
Charlotte Observer: Get Over Fear of Male Genitalia, Ladies May 20, 2016RUSH: The Charlotte Observer says that every woman and girl in the United States needs to just...
Hillary’s Softball Interview: “What Difference Does It Make?” Benghazi Lie Is Presidential, But Trump Isn’t? May 20, 2016RUSH: CNN, I’ll tell you, is really, really, really trying to make a big deal out of the fact that...
Quick Hits Page May 20, 2016White Kids Think They Can Grow Up to Be Black RUSH: “Can White Kids Grow Up to be...
Pearls of Wisdom May 20, 2016“The Charlotte Observer says that every woman and girl in the United States needs to just...
May 20, 2016Before you can fly the friendly skies, packed like sardines in ever-shrinking coach seats, you’ve...