What You Might See at the Debate Oct 28, 2015RUSH: Big Republican debate tonight, Colorado, opposite the second game the World Series. Cookie...
Caller Recalls Enjoying This Show with His Grandfather Oct 28, 2015RUSH: Here’s Nathan in Weaverville, California. Hi, Nathan. I’m glad you waited.CALLER: Well,...
My Response to Governor Kasich Oct 28, 2015RUSH: Now we move on to John Kasich. John Kasich is understandably angry. John Kasich is...
A Classic Trump Reaction to Iowa Polls Oct 28, 2015RUSH: I’ll tell you, this is classic. You just don’t see this. I don’t recall ever having seen...
The “Smart People” Don’t Fear Carson Oct 28, 2015RUSH: You Trumpsters, what do you think of — Trump, let me backtrack a couple things here on...
The Man Who Turned Around the Royals Oct 28, 2015RUSH: How many of you were able to stay up for the entire 14 innings of the World Series game last...
How the Budget Deal Paves the Way for President Hillary Rodham Clinton Oct 28, 2015RUSH: So how does the budget deal pave the way for Hillary Clinton? Folks, it’s real simple. Over...
Thanks to You, We Have Four Rush Revere Books in the Amazon Top 100 Oct 28, 2015RUSH: Rush Revere and the Star-Spangled Banner hit the shelves yesterday and is roaring off the...
House Republicans Renege on Every Promise with Infuriating Budget Deal Oct 28, 2015RUSH: This budget deal — and every time this subject comes up I have to point out that,...