Trump Goes After Huma Weiner
RUSH: “Trump Has Lowered Expectations For the Debates.” This is clever. “Donald...Ted Cruz Fires Back at Mitt Romney
RUSH: Mitt Romney is out there ripping into Ted Cruz, and I made the observation that I can’t...A Caller Regrets Her Abortion
RUSH: Here’s Luanne in Morganton, North Carolina. Happy to have you on the program. Hello. CALLER:...How Can Lions and Chimps Evoke More Sympathy Than Unborn Babies?
RUSH: Open Line Friday and back to the phones we go. David, Los Gatos, California, near the Bay...At Long Last, the 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
RUSH: I ran into this. This was originally published on the 26th of July. So five days ago, four...The Tearing Down of Sports Figures and Celebrities by the Media Is Part of Americana
RUSH: We go to the phones. We’re going to start early. Let’s go to Virginia. Jackie, you’re up...27 Years and We’re Just Getting Started
RUSH: It started on August 1st of 1988. You can say that today marks the conclusion, the completion of 27 years behind the Golden EIB Microphone, excluding weekends.
The Lack of Outrage Over the Horrors of Planned Parenthood Tells Us What’s Happened to Our Culture
RUSH: I can’t get past… Friday — something about it, I always try to just...How Can Lions and Chimps Evoke More Sympathy Than Unborn Babies?
RUSH: There are all kinds of teachable moments. If anybody has any doubts — and it's hard for me to believe people still do, but there may be some. If anybody has any doubts about the media no longer being the media, about the news, about being objective, this ought to show them.