Morning Update: The Jungle Jun 26, 2015When liberals meet innovation sometimes the results are not peaceful. Last week, unionized taxi...
Rush’s Quick Hits Jun 26, 2015More ISIS Beheadings? None of Our BusinessRUSH: Yeah, I’ve got that here. There’s another big ISIS...
Inside the Psyche of the RINO Jun 26, 2015RUSH: Now, see if this makes any sense to you. Real Clear Politics, they have this rolling series...
Caller with Generational Roots to Lincoln Jun 26, 2015RUSH: Patrick in Hampton, Virginia. Welcome to EIB Network. Great to have you. Hello.CALLER: Thank...
Advice for Arguing with Millennials Jun 26, 2015RUSH: Max in Scottsdale, Arizona, next up, how are you, sir?CALLER: Thanks, Rush. It’s a pleasure...
Canadian: Obamacare Will Ruin America Jun 26, 2015RUSH: David, Springfield, Tennessee, welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush....
Analyzing the Gay Marriage Dissents Jun 26, 2015RUSH: Justice Roberts, “If you are among the many Americans — of whatever sexual...
Mr. Sulu: We’re Not Done Yet Jun 26, 2015RUSH: Let me go to some of the dissents in the gay marriage case.Chief Justice Roberts. This is...
Language Redefined in the Age of Obama Jun 26, 2015RUSH: Here are just a few of the words that have been given new meaning by Obama and other...
The Left’s Moral Relativism Has Eaten Our Culture Alive — and Conservatives Have No Political Strategy to Stop It Jun 26, 2015RUSH: Look, I know everybody is trying to understand this, and everybody’s trying to explain it to...