Make All Your Secret Phone Calls Today! Jun 1, 2015RUSH: I don’t know, folks. Some days I think I’m losing touch, and some days when I think I’m...
Words Mean Things: “Lottery Winners” Jun 1, 2015RUSH: Forbes magazine: “Society’s Lottery Winners.” Now, the story starts out with...
Drive-Bys Love the Denny Hastert Story Jun 1, 2015RUSH: This is Barrington, Illinois. John, glad you waited. Great to have you on the program....
Lloyd Blankfein Steals My Ticket Jun 1, 2015RUSH: Martin O’Malley went and appeared with Stephanopoulos. Now, Stephanopoulos is in the tank...
Millennials Love Elon Musk’s Subsidies Jun 1, 2015RUSH: Here is Matthew in Denton, Texas. I’m glad you called, Matthew. Welcome to the program. It’s...
Lurch Breaks Femur in Photo-Op Jun 1, 2015RUSH: Did you hear about John Kerry? Do you know how old John Kerry is? It’s tough, you know. You...
Bob Schieffer Mourns Lost Monopoly Jun 1, 2015RUSH: We had on Friday was Schieffer saying that the news business isn’t what it was anymore and...
Why Socialism Draws Crowds in Iowa Jun 1, 2015RUSH: The rally that Bernie Sanders had in Iowa’s got everybody nonplussed. Nobody can figure it...