Why Republicans Shouldn’t Write Off States Like New York and California May 21, 2015RUSH: The Steny Hoyer story. It’s in TheHill.com: “Dems Downplay Whispers of Coup Against...
Christie vs. Cruz on “Tone” May 21, 2015RUSH: Audio sound bite time. Chris Christie. This is on CNBC Squawk Box today. I don’t need to set...
Wi-Fi Sickness Sweeps the Nation May 21, 2015RUSH: You ready for this one? This was the lead story, it still is the lead story at the Drudge...
Clueless Democrats Can’t Name a Single Hillary Accomplishment — But They’re Voting for the “Bad Mama Jama” Anyway May 21, 2015RUSH: Bloomberg TV’s John Heilemann and what’s his name, Mark Halperin, put together a focus group...
NFL Wizards of Smart Change Extra Point May 21, 2015RUSH: New extra point rule in the National Football League. Have you heard about the rules change?...
Have You Seen What’s Happening in Ferguson and Baltimore? May 21, 2015RUSH: Look at this. “Michael Brown Memorial to be Replaced With Plaque.” This is the...
Barack Obama: Comic Genius May 21, 2015RUSH: And speaking of comedy — no, no, not the Letterman show. Obama. Commencement speech,...