Irish Caller: Believe in Freedom, America Jun 11, 2013RUSH: We go to Atlanta. John, I’m glad you waited. Great to have you on the EIB Network....
Long Knives Out for That Punk Kid Snowden Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Let’s go to the audio sound bites. We have the Washington and media elites upset about...
If Obama’s Doing It, Democrats are Cool With Spying Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Here from the Washington Post: “Most Americans Back NSA Tracking Phone Records,...
El Rushbo’s Take on the New Apple Stuff Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Hillsboro, Ohio. This is Josh. Welcome, sir, to the EIB Network. Great to have you....
We’re All Depressed, Folks… But the Country is Up for Grabs: We Must Stop Amnesty and Hold the House in 2014 Jun 11, 2013RUSH: I got an e-mail that I want to read to you. This is from a subscriber at Rush 24/7, the...
Ochocinco Gets 30 Days for Butt Slap Jun 11, 2013RUSH: Did you hear what happened to Chad Ochocinco today? Well, we got the sound bite for this,...
Good Morning-After, Al Joker Jun 11, 2013RUSH: I need Al Joker. Grab audio sound bite number 13. Obama signed it into law, whatever he did....
The Limbaugh Theorem! The President Lies to His Filthy Rich Palo Alto Donors Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Washington Examiner: “Why is the Obama recovery the weakest recovery since the Great...
Edward Snowden: Hero or Traitor? Jun 10, 2013RUSH: The question is will America, will America make it through Obama’s second term and be...
Focus on Liberalism and the Democrat Party, Not Impeachment Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Jacksonville, Florida, and this is James. It’s great to have you on the EIB Network, sir....
A Review of the Obama Scandals Jun 10, 2013RUSH: I mentioned in the first hour that I wanted to go through some of the scandals, or if you...
Obama Returns to the War on Women Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Guess what he’s out doing today? He’s back on the War on Women. He’s revving that back up....
The Question is Not Whether the Obama Regime Will Survive, But Will America as Founded Survive the Obama Regime? Jun 10, 2013RUSH: Well, how was your weekend, ladies and gentlemen? Everything okay? Everything cool?...
Can the GOP Go High Tech? Jun 7, 2013RUSH: Greg in Chicago. I’m glad you waited. It’s great to have you on the program. Hello.CALLER:...
Does Nakoula Nakoula Have a Case? Jun 7, 2013RUSH: A.J. in Atlanta. You’re next on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER: How are you doing?RUSH:...
My Apple Predictions Jun 7, 2013RUSH: You know, Open Line Friday is not just for you. I just decided this. On Open Line Friday, I...
Try to Explain the Limbaugh Theorem Jun 7, 2013RUSH: Wall Street Journal. I read this last night, and, you know, I am the creator of the Limbaugh...
Regime Economist Blames Economy on Sequester Jun 7, 2013RUSH: This is crazy. We got the chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisors, Alan...
Liberalism Must be Defeated in the Arena of Ideas Jun 7, 2013RUSH: It’s the fastest three hours in media, Rush Limbaugh, EIB Network.To Orlando. This is John,...
Candy Crowley Lectures Us on “Nuance” Jun 7, 2013RUSH: Here’s Candy Crowley after the president’s remarks about the government gathering phone and...