Biden Pushes Gun Control (in a Whisper) Jun 18, 2013RUSH: Vice President Bite Me is out there trying to pick up the slack for President Obama....
Justice Thomas and Senator Cruz on the Arizona Voting Law Jun 18, 2013RUSH: “Ted Cruz didnÂ’t wait long to mount a legislative response to the Supreme CourtÂ’s...
Another Affirmation of the Limbaugh Theorem Jun 18, 2013RUSH: More Gloria Borger, ladies and gentlemen, more Limbaugh Theorem on display. These people are...
What Good is “Both Sides of the Story” When One Side Lies? Jun 18, 2013RUSH: Southfield, Michigan. This is Jesse. Jesse, glad to have you on the program. Hi.CALLER: How...
My Response to Senator Graham’s Rationale for Supporting Amnesty Jun 18, 2013RUSH: Remember Senator Graham, Lindsey Graham? I forget the exact words. We played the sound bite...
Dingy Harry Hurries Gang of Eight Bill Jun 18, 2013RUSH: Byron York has the story on the falling polling data on the Gang of Eight immigration bill...
Amazing Message from a Former Democrat Jun 18, 2013RUSH: I have amazing sound bites coming up for you in just a moment. They are from Sunday, and...
Obama’s Failure to Campaign Against NSA Spying Could Damage His Popularity with Generation Text Jun 18, 2013RUSH: According to latest CNN poll, Obama’s job approval is down from 53% in May to 45% now....