Doomberg’s Next Target: Styrofoam Feb 14, 2013RUSH: You know, in Staten Island, New York, there are still citizens of New York City living in...
Van Jones Warns Dems to Fear Rubio Feb 14, 2013RUSH: CNN’s not just having fun. CNN is the lowest of the low. CNN, in the real world, would be...
The Campaigner-in-Chief’s Dishonest Tweets Feb 14, 2013RUSH: I’ll give you another example of how Obama is never governing — never governing,...
Obama’s Ongoing Project: Stay Above Responsibility and Appeal to Low-Info Voters Feb 14, 2013RUSH: To Raleigh, North Carolina. Hi, Michael. You’re next, and it’s great to have you here....
Sheila Jackson Lee: I’m a “Freed Slave” Feb 14, 2013RUSH: Do you know there is a freed slave serving in Congress? Grab audio sound bite number seven....
Coming to Grips with the Ramifications of Marco Rubio’s Drinking Problem Feb 14, 2013RUSH: I’m still trying to come to grips here, folks, with the fact that Marco Rubio drank water on...
CNN Guest Compares Dorner to Django Feb 14, 2013RUSH: Let’s do a little A-B, side-by-side comparison. On the one hand, Marco Rubio may not be...