A Three-Day Super Bowl Weekend? Dec 14, 2012RUSH: Here is Kelly in Winchester, Virginia. Hi. Great to have you here.CALLER: Hi, Rush. It’s a...
Rice: Hillary Too Tired for Sunday Shows Dec 14, 2012RUSH: Susan Rice has withdrawn her name from the running to be the next secretary of state. The...
Far Past the Entitlement Tipping Point Dec 14, 2012RUSH: Green Bay, Wisconsin. Hi, Don. Great to have you. Welcome.CALLER: Hello, Mr. Rushbo. Merry...
The Fiscal Cliff Story is a Farce Dec 14, 2012RUSH: The Washington Post has an editorial today. Folks, this is the kind of stuff that has...
Liberals Rewrite History of CIA Interrogations (and 230 Years of US History) Dec 14, 2012RUSH: See this in the Washington Post? Did you see this? “Report Finds Harsh CIA...
Caller’s Experience at a Union Meeting Dec 14, 2012RUSH: We go to Albuquerque and Karen. Great to have you with us. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush. What’s...
Left Mobilizes to Politicize School Shooting Dec 14, 2012RUSH: A terrible and awful thing has happened in Connecticut at a school in Newtown, Connecticut,...
Congressman Apologizes for Using “M-Word” Dec 14, 2012RUSH: Let’s go to the floor of the House. African-American Hank Johnson, Democrat from Georgia,...
What We’re Up Against as Expressed by Tech Bloggers on Google’s Tax Avoidance Dec 14, 2012RUSH: Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have mentioned over the course of the past several months, and...
ESPN Analyst Suspended for Separatist Remarks About RGIII Dec 14, 2012RUSH: I am El Rushbo, your cornball conservative brother, here at the...
I Hereby Withdraw My Name from Consideration for Secretary of Business Dec 14, 2012RUSH: Do you all realize how we’re being played on this whole Susan Rice thing? Susan Rice has not...