Clinton Defends Obama Promise to Lower Sea Level Oct 31, 2012RUSH: Bill Clinton yesterday in Minneapolis.CLINTON: In the first debate, the triumph of the...
Halperin Doesn’t Sound Too Confident Oct 31, 2012RUSH: Mark Halperin was on TV today, and he’s looking at all this polling data showing Romney...
Politicians Won’t Rebuild After Sandy, the American People Will Oct 31, 2012RUSH: I want to try to explain to you in a little different way why this whole Sandy business, I...
A One-Percenter from the Jersey Shore Oct 31, 2012RUSH: Okay. Back to the phones. Joe in Ocean City, New Jersey. Great to have you on the EIB...
Biden Tells Florida Audience: “I’m Gonna Give You the Whole Load” Oct 31, 2012RUSH: By the way, Biden is somewhere. I haven’t had a chance to click on it. All I have is the...
A.B. Stoddard: Sandy Doesn’t Help Bam Oct 31, 2012RUSH: Okay, the storm and Obama. This is another one. Depending on who you talk to, this storm and...
AP to Romney: Stay Out of Blue States! Oct 31, 2012RUSH: This is from the Associated Press, and it actually sounds like they’re livid here. The...
Why the Media Shelters Obama Oct 31, 2012RUSH: I want to expand on the racial component of this and the media’s devotion to Obama and why...
Up-to-the-Minute Limbaugh Polling Analysis Oct 31, 2012RUSH: I want to go through the latest polling data and some of the other interesting things that...
Chris Christie Plays Role of Greek Column for the Obama Reelection Campaign Oct 31, 2012RUSH: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has decided to play the role of a Greek column today for...