
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

It’s Open Line Friday!

“Yes, folks: I picked the Bears. It makes no sense, I understand, but I like to be different...

The Truth Detector!

“I just checked the e-mail during the break: ‘Aren’t you taking your Zicam?’ Yes!...

A Lovable Little Fuzzball

“Does it not trouble you people at all that the enemy of this country so often sounds...

America’s Real Anchorman

“Britney Spears hasn’t been the same since Justin Timberlake told her go to hell and she...

Your Guiding Light

“Bill is probably saying to Hillary, ‘Do you think it’s time for David Geffen to wake...

Caller Calls Rush “Evil”

RUSH: Tony in Cleveland, it’s you, sir. It’s your turn. Welcome to the program. CALLER: Hey, Rush,...

The Maha Rushie

“I pledge to you today: I am never going to ride in a hybrid. I’m not going to ride in an...

It’s Open Line Friday!

“If any of you in this audience are going to believe this global warming stuff, I want you...

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