
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

It’s Open Line Thursday!

“Everybody was expecting Dan Rather to crack up on the air, and he came close to it on this...

A Dispatch from Roy Spencer

RUSH: I got an e-mail today from the official climatologist of the EIB Network, Roy Spencer, at...

America’s Real Anchorman

“I don’t see where the left wants unity. I see where they want no opposition. There is a...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: Get a load of some of these Global Warming Stack headlines today! ‘Clothesline...

A Lovable, Little Fuzzball

“If Hillary does become president, you watch how fast the Democrats stop introducing bills...

An Army of One

“Have you noticed how little news there is coming out of Iraq? That means there’s good news...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: All right, we got a Global Warming Stack. Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut...

It’s Open Line Friday!

“I do not need lectures from liberals about supporting our troops. It is they who are...

Your Conservative Rock

“Will Media Matters report that I apologized to the troops, period? Which isn’t what I did....

A Lovable, Little Fuzzball

“Who do you think General Petraeus would rather have on his side? Me or Harry Reid?”...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: It’s time — dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut! — for a global...

America’s Real Anchorman

“Mrs. Clinton’s laugh is a signal to the guy asking her the question: ‘Do you like...

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