
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

Your Conservative Rock

“If I sued the people who steal my thoughts and ideas I would not have time to be on the...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: There was a record cold high temperature in New York City yesterday. I want to caution...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: There was a record cold high temperature in New York City yesterday. I want to caution...

It’s Open Line Thursday!

“Occasionally opportunity will knock on your door — you just have to be willing to...

The Real Captain America

“Do we really want to live in a country where men cannot pick up men? We must think about...

A Lovable Little Fuzzball

“I’m not saying warming isn’t happening, but I’ll damn well assert that man’s not...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut. I usually do the global warming update in the third hour,...

An Army of One

“Liberals don’t think they hate the country. They actually think they love it, but they have...

It’s Open Line Friday!

“The problem with the world is not America. The problem with the world is the lack of equal...

America’s Real Anchorman

“A phrase that I live by today is, ‘Reality is what it is.’ Liberals and the media do...

An Army of One

“Clinton fundraising is not the ‘culture of corruption’ — it’s the definition of...

Doctor of Democracy

“During the testimony from General Petraeus, not one Democrat asked, ‘What can we do...

Your Conservative Rock

“If Eli Manning were smart, he would change his race today.” “The cigar I just...

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