
Rush Limbaugh

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The Rush Limbaugh Show Main Menu

The Truth Detector

“You are so much more informed than readers of the New York Times, and I cannot tell you,...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: I got a Global Warming Stack. Let me just titillate you with one of the stories in the stack...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: Dadelut! Dadelut! Dadelut! Dadelut! (Global Warming Update Theme Song: Algore singing...

Pearls of Wisdom

“Any kind of an accident, any event, the first liberal knee jerk reaction is, ‘We have...

Doctor of Democracy

“The Democrats had a gay debate. I want to know when they’re going to have the straight...

Pearls of Wisdom

“When you start thinking, and you start applying actual analysis to feelings, it’s the...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut. Trumpet fanfare. Time for an update, touch on some...

Your Conservative Rock

“As a personal aside, I would prefer to be invisible to the government, quite frankly. I...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: Dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut dadelut. Paul Shanklin is Algore,...

The Truth Detector!

“If you have to follow a nurse around to find out what a nurse does, who the hell are you to...

It’s Open Line Friday!

“By nature, wherever this program is not, life will suck. Because wherever this program is...

Global Warming Update

RUSH: How many of you people have seen Algore’s movie? We talked about this, by the way, before...

The Real Captain America

“We can ‘root for America’ for ourselves, Mrs. Clinton. It doesn’t take a village to...

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