Thursday Quotes: The Real Captain America

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“Let me make a minor semantic correction. Earlier, I said, ‘I would like the tax holiday that Tim Geithner got.’ Actually, he didn’t ‘get’ one, he took one.”

“What has Eric Holder learned so far this morning, based on his hearings? Well, Eric Holder has learned: ‘I can do anything I want because I know that you Republicans will do absolutely nothing, except kiss my butt’ — which is exactly what’s happening.”

“I’ve often said, ladies and gentlemen, that politics is show biz for the ugly. And you can see proof if you go to the Drudge Report — there’s a picture there of Henry Waxman.”

“If there’s no attempt to derail this headlong move into FDR 2, then the Republicans are going to face more trouble from their own voters in the next election than they will ever face from the Democrats and the American left — mark my words.”

“I’m tired of rewarding stupidity, I’m tired of paying for slackers, and I’m tired of the poor and the hungry being called that instead of ‘welfare recipients’ and ‘slackers’.”

“I have had two Drive-By institutions ask me what I’m doing for the inauguration. You know what I told them? I said, ‘Well, I’m going to pretend that I’m there. I’m bringing a Port-A-Potty into the studio and I’m going to use it every 15 minutes.'”

“A lot of people have said, ‘Rush, why don’t you go easy on this Geithner guy? If he gets confirmed, you’re just going to get harassed with audits.’ That was going to happen anyway, so that’s not going to shut me up!”

“There’s no such thing as fairness in life, there’s no arbiter of life. For example, offensive lines playing the Steelers are getting away not just with holding; they’re getting away with muggings!”

“In a country this large, you have to acknowledge that there’s going to be a certain number of sheep, and that the liberals will prey on them. First they group them, then they victimize them, and then they tell them that they don’t have a chance.”

“I don’t think Carol Browner is dirty. She’s just a socialist.”