Wednesday Quotes: Your Conservative Rock

by Rush Limbaugh - May 19,2011

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“Barack Obama ought to genuinely be up 14 points like the NY Times says he is. I think William Ayers and ACORN are sticking.”

“Jerry Jones has his massive new $1.1 billion stadium down there in Arlington, Texas, but they can’t find anybody to pay for the naming rights. About the only guy in the country who’s not in debt and has the money to pay for the naming rights would be me. That would be cool: ‘Limbaugh Stadium’.”

“The New York Times today is writing again about ‘the sharply personal attacks on Obama.’ What ‘sharply personal attacks’? All the McCain camp is doing is telling the truth about the little squirrel.”

“To say that Robin Hood is the equivalent of Obama is to malign and impugn Robin Hood. I remember watching Robin Hood when I was growing up, and I remember the sheriff of Nottingham was as evil at that guy on Lost in Space — might have been the same guy, for all I know.”

“Has your school demanded that you come in and watch Algore’s propaganda movie with their students in the past month? No. However, first graders are going on field trips in San Francisco to see their teacher get married to her lesbian lover.”

“Did you see what Sarah Palin did yesterday? Somewhere on the way to a campaign stop, she pulled into a Wal-Mart and bought some diapers. When did you ever think that you would see pictures of a vice presidential candidate buying diapers at Wal-Mart?”

“Isn’t it interesting, ladies and gentlemen, that Obama wants to take from the rich to give to the poor when it comes to money, but when it comes to human life, Obama is willing to allow babies to be killed in order to get their mothers’ votes?”

“Tim Mahoney’s mistress is being treated no worse than most other women Democrats find inconvenient — from Sarah Palin to Hillary Clinton to Monica Lewinsky to Chandra Levy to Paula Jones.”

“Barry promises that there will be no Bill Ayers in the Obama administration. Maybe what McCain ought to do is promise that Bin Laden will not be asked to serve in his cabinet. I mean, can you imagine the absurdity of having to reassure people you won’t give a bomber a job in your administration?”

“Everybody out there, check your credit card bill for the last month to see if somehow $2,300 has been charged to the Obama campaign.”