Wednesday Quotes: Where Expectations Are Met Apr 21, 2010You’re Missing Out on Thousands of Rush Quotes! Join Rush 24/7 NOW!”Biden is as dumb as a...
Regime Spokesman and Reid on Keeping Their Wall Street Cash Apr 21, 2010RUSH: Yeah, it’s audio sound bite 28. Robert Gibbs this afternoon at the White House said that...
Rush Limbaugh, Svengali? Apr 21, 2010RUSH: As you know, I don’t talk about myself very much. That happens anyway. I have had this piece...
When Wall Street Demons Move to Government They Become Angels Apr 21, 2010RUSH: Try this as a thought. Try this as a thought. We hate Goldman Sachs, right? Those guys,...
Is Buying a GM Car Like Making an Obama Campaign Contribution? Apr 21, 2010RUSH: Here’s Candy in Lakeland, Michigan. Candy, welcome to the Rush Limbaugh program. Nice to...
Obama Wins Through Thuggery Apr 21, 2010RUSH: The chairwoman of the SEC was appointed by Reagan in 1988, reappointed by Bush 41 and...
ACORN Honcho Praises Socialism Apr 21, 2010RUSH: Now, this is not going to surprise anybody. Well, it might surprise some people on Fox. It...
SEC Case Against Goldman Sachs: Nothing But a Hollow Political Prop Apr 21, 2010RUSH: The Washington Post today is: ‘In SEC vs. Goldman, Who’s Really at Fault?’ As you read...
Obama Wages War on Wall Street, Travels to New York to Finish It Off Apr 21, 2010RUSH: Yesterday on this program — well, I didn’t on this program say it. I mentioned in a...
Rush’s Morning Update: Prediction April 22, 2010 Apr 21, 2010Rush’s Morning Update: PredictionApril 22, 2010Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Why Joe Announces Terror Kills Apr 21, 2010RUSH: All right, Boise, Idaho, this is Robert, you’re next on the EIB Network. Hello, sir.CALLER:...