Rush’s Morning Update: Red Flag May 22, 2009 May 21, 2009Rush’s Morning Update: Red FlagMay 22, 2009Watch It! Download Morning Update Video in...
Joe Biden Banished to the Balkans May 21, 2009RUSH: I want to talk about Vice President Biden. There’s an interesting story today that Obama is...
Does Unreported Misery Matter? May 21, 2009RUSH: Doug in Atlanta, this is a cell call, nice to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.CALLER:...
California Results and the GOP May 21, 2009RUSH: Dear Rush,I listened to your show yesterday and I listened to you on Greta Van Susteren last...
Converted Liberal Thanks Rush May 21, 2009RUSH: Here’s Phyllis in Westchester, New York. Nice to have you Phyllis. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush. I’m...
The Economy is Getting Worse May 21, 2009RUSH: Federal Reserve. ‘The Federal Reserve Bank’s latest forecasts for the US economy are...
Resentment Motivates Obama May 21, 2009RUSH: Let me grab a quick phone call before we go to the break. It’s Patricia in Wilmington, North...
How Obama Will Respond to Disrupted Terror Plot in New York May 21, 2009RUSH: ‘The FBI busted a homegrown terror cell late Wednesday night as the men sneaked around...
The Teleprompter Scores Again! May 21, 2009BEGIN TRANSCRIPTRUSH: By the way, the teleprompter today really shafted the eloquent President...
Cheney Puts Obama on Defensive May 21, 2009RUSH: It has been a fascinating morning, ladies and gentlemen, dueling national security speeches...
Rush Interviewed by Glenn Beck May 21, 2009GLENN: Now we go to the former head of the Republican Party. He did step down yesterday, but Mr....