Classic Rush: The Purpose of Armies Is to Kill People and Break Things
TODD: Here's the Maha himself reminding us of what the purpose of the military actually is.
Caught in a Kafka Trap: Rush Explains Why Conservative Anger Is Never Called Righteous
TODD: Rush describes these phenomena to a T that we're seeing.
EIB High Note: Turning a Negative Into a Positive
TODD: The EIB family knows this, that when Rush lost his hearing, a bunch of people said, "That's it! He can't continue."
Your Guide Todd Herman’s Stack of Stuff
Todd Herman guided us through today's program. Check out his stack of stuff.
James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, Debuts His New Podcast on Rush
JAMES: Rush's everyday creed was that he wanted to meet and exceed the expectations of his audience. And he was serious about that. So we want this podcast series to be a reflection of the man that we love so much.
How Rush Analyzed Fauci vs. Rand Paul
TODD: Rush was quite understandably taken aback to hear Fauci say that he never set himself up as the end-all, be-all decision-maker.