Obama Indoctrinates Your Kids on Netflix Exactly As Rush Said He Would
TODD: Here's what the Maha said about it, when Netflix announced it was partnering with Obama in 2018.
Critical Race Theory: The Culmination of Liberal “Good Intentions”
TODD: Today, another Rushism applicable to this. For leftists, only their good intentions count.
Rush’s Advice: Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence, Fear Liberal Robots
TODD: Rush warned us that the technology wasn't our problem. Liberalism is.
EIB High Note: A Dog Named Sheldon Makes a Career Change
TODD: It’s well-known that Rush Limbaugh loved cats. You’ll know he also loved dogs. Today’s EIB’s High Note happens to be about a dog named Sheldon.
Your Guide Todd Herman’s Stack of Stuff
Todd Herman guided us through today's program. Check out his stack of stuff.
Huge See, I Told You So: Fauci Emails Prove Rush Right Over and Over Again
TODD: It's a day where El Rushbo might well say, "I told you so," and he'd be right again.