James Golden’s New Podcast on Rush Debuts Next Week
KEN: I spoke briefly with Bo. I hadn't spoken to him in a while because he's been busy with this, and one of his comments was, "I hope this series meets the audience expectations."
Remember When Liz Cheney Lied to Rush and All of Us When She Pretended to Back Trump?
CHENEY: Rush, in Wyoming there's no question for us that Hillary Clinton would be devastating — and far, far worse than Donald Trump. We've gotta unify behind him.
If LeBron James Listened to Rush, Maybe He Would’ve Learned Something About Hero Cops
KEN: The ignorance of most of the Democrat Party leadership and people like LeBron James and late-night talk show hosts, they're just contributing and they're making things worse.
EIB High Note: “One Life” by Norman Kerner
KEN: This is a guy who is a member of the EIB audience. He wrote, produced, and performed a song, and he reached out to me, and I heard it. I immediately shared it with the team.
Rush Recognized How Transgender Athletes Would Put the Squeeze on the Feminazis
KEN: Speaking of the whole transgender thing, we have Caitlyn Jenner, who for those of us who are old enough to remember, Bruce Jenner was quite the celebrity athlete.
El Rushbo Celebrates Cinco de Mayo with a Little Spanish Lingo
KEN: Here's a Rush fun fest for you.