Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Social Justice Fed
RUSH: Folks, this is a teachable moment. Democrats just introduced a new bill that tells you everything you need to know about them.
RUSH: Folks, this is a teachable moment. Democrats just introduced a new bill that tells you everything you need to know about them.
RUSH: How do you walk that back? How do you clarify that? Well, they tried, ladies and gentlemen, and they just dug themselves in deeper.
RUSH: I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to get Biden out of the basement. Because to do so will lose him the election. They know this.
RUSH: Who is it in American government that has been single-handedly pushing and moving to get the schools open? I gotta tell you, it's Donald Trump.
RUSH: The fact that you're, you know, maybe killing people, wouldn't be that big a deal. But since it's helping Trump, you gotta stop it.
RUSH: How does an economy recover from a virus that causes blue states to shut everything down and then permit civil unrest that further destroys these states and cities? You reelect Trump.
RUSH: Now, I might not use the term "against God," but they are phonies. These are the people that try to keep you from going to church.
RUSH: I'm not kidding. There was a rumor. I was working at a radio station in Kansas City called KUDL, "Cuddle" is what it was called. It was an oldies station.
RUSH: I have the perfect tag line for a Biden TV commercial, "Because he's got a D next to his name," because that's gonna be why 90% of the people who vote for him vote for him.
RUSH: I was not gonna weigh in on it 'cause this guy's a little bit of a — I wasn't gonna weigh in on it today, but that's what Open Line Friday is. If you want to ask, I'll be glad to answer it.
RUSH: Trump is saying, "Don't worry about it, everybody, I'll just do it by way of executive order if the Democrats try to block it."
RUSH: The media is always going to focus on the doomsayers. That's the equivalent of "it bleeds, it leads" negative news they prefer.
RUSH: Get the stories that I talk about as the program unfolds before your eyes and ears, plus a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's a real-time base feature, not just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.