Guest Host Ken Matthews
Check out these stories from Ken's Stack of Stuff.
Check out these stories from Ken's Stack of Stuff.
RUSH: Last month a guy named Jason Furman, a top Obama regime economist, spoke to a bipartisan group of policymakers. He laid out what to expect when the economic shutdown is over.
RUSH: Here is one of the greatest patriotic military people in American history who was targeted for destruction by his own government and was destroyed.
RUSH: I hope these cops are dealt with good and hard. I've seen the video like everybody else, and it makes me so mad I can't see straight.
RUSH: There's a new book out there by Alana Goodman and Daniel Halper claiming Bill Clinton had an affair with the pimp, the madam for Jeffrey Epstein named Ghislaine Maxwell.
RUSH: Silicon Valley tech gazillionaires are all-in on Biden. Joe Biden hasn't even mastered the rotary phone yet, much less learned how to use an iPhone and yet tech wizards are all-in on this guy.
RUSH: Does anybody remember it was just a couple of weeks ago we were told about secret, internal models from FEMA?
RUSH: I had a, well, moderately scary moment last night.
RUSH: It's a huge jump. We've gone from 44.5 million to 50 million basically overnight. Model runs, model predictions.
RUSH: They've reported all the layoffs. They've reported all the people on unemployment. Why are they shocked? That it happened to them?
RUSH: Facebook fact-checks too. Facebook even has a page that explains how their fact-check system works, and Facebook exiles people they don't like.
RUSH: One of the most vibrant conspiracy theories out there… is that the coronavirus is the product of a bunch of mad scientist-type rich guys who think there are too many people on Earth.
RUSH: You will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time.
RUSH: You know, folks, it looks like Democrat Party unity is coming apart while they stick it to American businesses suffering under the coronavirus lockdowns.
RUSH: Their demand for masks is political. Everything is political. They hope to capitalize on the image they're creating that we're all about to die… If you don't wear a mask, then you don't care.
RUSH: Just throw it back at these people exactly like they aimed it at Trump.
RUSH: I think Twitter has destroyed our ability to actually know what a majority of Americans think issue to issue, both politically and culturally, and that's because of the way journalists use it.
RUSH: You know what a neutron bomb did? A neutron bomb killed the people but left all the real estate standing.
RUSH: Do you realize the consternation this causes at CNN and throughout the Drive-By Media with Dr. Fauci? Because these people are invested, folks, in a second lockdown.
RUSH: Senator Rubio is referring to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996.