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RUSH: The media loves polling data when it fits their narrative or when it makes somebody they don’t like look bad. And that’s why you won’t see this poll splashed all over the Drive-By Media.

There’s a new Harvard/Harris Poll and it shows that 59% of registered voters agree that ex-CIA director John Brennan, who voted for a communist once for president, should have lost his security clearance after his hateful diatribes against the president. Sixty-four percent think that ex-FBI director Comey should also lose his security clearance.

Mark Penn, the former Clinton adviser who is co-director of the poll, says there would be widespread support for stripping all former officials of their security clearances when they leave government.

But that’s not what the Drive-Bys or the Deep State want to hear. And they definitely don’t want you to hear it!

The left’s narrative is that Trump was acting like a dictator when he revoked Brennan’s clearances and denying him his free speech. But the American people aren’t buying that BS either.

So here we are in another little game. President Trump: 1.

The Drive-Bys and the Deep State: zero!

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