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RUSH: The NFL season kicks off, the preseason kicks off in earnest tonight with a slate of games. The first preseason game actually was I think week ago today, the Hall of Fame game, whatever that was, and it was the Baltimore Ravens against — see, I can’t remember, ’cause I didn’t watch it, and nobody else did, either.

That’s the big news. The ratings from the Hall of Fame game were near an all-time low. And I’m figuring it has to be because they hadn’t yet implemented the new policy of male cheerleaders. That’s gonna save the NFL.

If you missed that story, ladies and gentlemen, male cheerleaders help the NFL’s image problem, a story from Vanity Fair. The Los Angeles Rams and the New Orleans Saints are each hiring a gay male cheerleader. And of course Vanity Fair is wondering if that can help — try not to cough here — gay male cheerleaders in Los Angeles and New Orleans can help the NFL’s image problem.

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