
Rush Limbaugh

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RUSH: I just to want give you a little news here that you’re not gonna hear anywhere else. The National Weather Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, otherwise known as the U.S. Commerce Department, is now very quietly predicting a less active Atlantic Ocean hurricane season.

“An updated Atlantic hurricane outlook issued by government forecasters Thursday now predicts a less active season, increasing the chances this year will see below-normal activity. … Forecasters’ updated predictions now put the Atlantic at a 60 percent chance of seeing a below-normal season.”

You’re not gonna see this anywhere else. This is the kind of news that gets buried because it doesn’t comport and fly with the climate change agenda. So we don’t know if the FiveThirtyEight website is running probabilities on hurricanes like they did the 90% chance that Hillary Clinton was gonna win.

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