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RUSH: “West Hollywood City Council Passes Resolution Requesting Removal of Trump’s Walk of Fame Star, Mayor Says — The mayor of West Hollywood announced on Monday night that the city council voted unanimously to pass a resolution requesting that President Donald Trump’s star from the Hollywood Walk of Fame be removed. The Washington Times notes that the vote was mostly symbolic since the city council’s resolution was asking for the Los Angeles City Council and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce to remove Trump’s star. ‘West Hollywood City council unanimously passes resolution…’ cheered John Duran, whom the Times identified as the mayor of West Hollywood.”

Now, professional focus group analyst Frank Luntz, from his verified account, tweeted the following: “When critics called for the removal of Bill Cosby’s star from the Walk of Fame amid multiple sexual assault claims, the Hollywood chamber said it does not remove stars over public backlash and cited historical landmark status.” Well, that doesn’t matter. Leftists revise history every day. So even though there’s a rule that Walk of Fame stars are not removed because of public backlash, an exception will be made because of the hatred and the resentment Donald Trump.

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