Rush 24/7 Morning Update: The Names
RUSH: A man of the cloth, a pastor, has asked the mayor of Chicago to change the names of two parks in his neighborhood.
RUSH: A man of the cloth, a pastor, has asked the mayor of Chicago to change the names of two parks in his neighborhood.
RUSH: I want you to listen to a montage we've put together of the media digging up a bunch of self-hating Republicans who have to get on this train that the Republican Party's racist, it's been racist, and the party had better do something fast.
RUSH: They’re not idiots. They’re not racists. They’re not Nazis. They’re not members of the Klan. They’re independently intelligent. They’re not mind-numbed robots being led down the path by Steve Bannon or anybody else. They make up their own minds. Exactly contrary to the way the media depicts Trump voters. The media depicts Trump voters as the people in Charlottesville, for example.
RUSH: The CEOs may have made a public show out of leaving Trump's two advisory councils, but they're not going anywhere.
RUSH: Don't make me say it. You know what they're hoping for. They're hoping this is a copycat of Charlottesville. They're hoping that they're gonna be able to report today that right-wing nationalists, members of the Klan or (maybe even better) neo-Nazis went crazy in Barcelona.
RUSH: The infobabe got so frustrated she told him to shut up and let her talk at one point. It was Kate Bolduan, one of the infobabes at CNN who was devastated that Hillary lost. You realize these people still haven't gotten over that?
RUSH: Trump is gonna do what he can to get rid of Jeff Flake, who has tried to throw Trump under the bus and overboard. They say Trump is not a political strategist. They say Trump doesn't understand all this. He's just a Big Business guy. This sounds to me like Trump knows exactly how to play politics.
RUSH: There are what you would consider to be mainstream conservative blogs and websites who literally believe that Steve Bannon is what got Trump elected and that Steve Bannon, if fired, could destroy Trump.
RUSH: Hey, have you guys seen the latest CBS poll on public opinion of Charlottesville, Trump's response? Have you seen that poll? You haven't? Dawn, have you seen the poll? Brian, you seen the poll? Have any of you people seen this poll? Well, here's maybe why.
RUSH: The numbers we are talking about are so infinitesimally small. The numbers here are probably less than the total gay population of this country and probably around the same percentage as the transgender population. This group of people couldn't elect anybody to the Congress. They couldn't elect anybody to the Senate. There aren't enough of them. And yet they are being portrayed, you are being asked to believe (or you're having it swarmed all over you) that this is Trump's base. It's a smear job.
RUSH: It's 3.7% GDP being predicted by the Atlanta Fed… The average rate of economic growth during the eight years of the Obama Regime was under 2%.
RUSH: For 30 years, the Democrats have been able to call Republicans anything with impunity — racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, and add on to that — and there's been never any pushback.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.