Rush 24/7 Morning Update: More Lawsuits
RUSH: The only reason sanctuary cities have operated outside the law is that nobody in the federal government had the political will to stand up to these insurgent mayors and governors. Until now.
RUSH: The only reason sanctuary cities have operated outside the law is that nobody in the federal government had the political will to stand up to these insurgent mayors and governors. Until now.
RUSH: If people started suing politicians for not meeting promised performance, can you imagine? Again, ask: Who benefits here? The attorneys.
RUSH: Obama needed Putin in order to get his Iranian nuke deal, and that's what Obama wanted. He didn't want to tick off the Russians.
RUSH: I think all of this is organized, folks. I think Terry McAuliffe, in fact, was trying to use this whole episode to launch his presidential bid and he botched it because he doesn't have that big ability to get noticed. I mean, this is a pretty big deal. This is what Democrats do.
RUSH: Trump is not gonna be given credit for Kim Jong-un backing down. The Chinese are gonna get credit. But why are the Chinese doing what they're doing? Donald Trump!
RUSH: Don't discount it, because this guy's idea is gonna be picked up throughout sports media. And I guarantee you by the end of tomorrow, this will be a topic on Fox News, a panel discussion, maybe many of them, and it'll be on CNN, and it'll be all over the place.
RUSH: They're very proud of this. There are news stories all over the place about how Iceland is on pace to virtually eliminate Down syndrome through abortion… It's the sickest thing I've ever seen.
RUSH: A woman, 25 years old, bodybuilder, the epitome of being fit, the epitome of being in shape, not just in shape, in great shape, dies, age 25. Do you know from what? Protein shakes.
RUSH: Yesterday on the program, I happened to mention that a New York Times writer, Sheryl Gay Stolberg, must not have gotten the memo because she sent out a couple of tweets acknowledging that the hate in Charlottesville was equally distributed.
RUSH: What did Clinton do that was so brilliant in 1995 after the Oklahoma City bombing? What was it that the David "Rodham" Gergen and the rest of the Drive-By Media think was just so fabulous?
RUSH: Thomas Jefferson was one of the founders of this country, and you see what this really is about here? This is about not just delegitimizing Donald Trump, and it's not just about getting rid of him. These people are on a tear to delegitimize this entire country.
RUSH: Denouncing the Nazis, the KKK, the white supremacists is not enough. Trump didn't mean it. We have a montage showing how they play the game. They move the goalposts.
RUSH: They are incapable of happiness. Their lives depend on being constantly enraged, constantly offended, constantly put upon, constantly victimized. There is nothing that can make them happy, and it's time to stop trying.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.