Rush 24/7 Morning Update: End the Nightmare
RUSH: After the Republican Senate released their bill to repeal Obamacare, Barack Obama posted a long essay on Facebook. Typical of Obama, it was full of “intellectual” flowery rhetoric and BS.
RUSH: After the Republican Senate released their bill to repeal Obamacare, Barack Obama posted a long essay on Facebook. Typical of Obama, it was full of “intellectual” flowery rhetoric and BS.
RUSH: I like your optimism on things. Hey, he went to a Trump rally. He goes to a Trump rally, he sees all these people, including teenagers, and look what he thinks when he comes out of it. That's good!
CALLER: It may be individuals such as myself that explain why the polls are often wrong.
RUSH: The argument is: Do we want to save Pelosi or do we want to let Democrat nature take its course? And it all comes down to what will help us advance our agenda.
RUSH: No, it doesn't surprise me. This is the point. It may surprise a lot of people. I listen to what Democrats say. I know them better than they know themselves.
RUSH: Susan Hendricks… This is a position she took that would seem to be at odds with what they want at CNN.
RUSH: There hasn't been a Republican candidate since Ronald Reagan that has this deep and direct connection with whatever you want to call 'em — voters, supporters, the base.
RUSH: I think Brees is really treated favorably by media. I don't think you have to worry about him being mistreated or given short shrift by it. But I understand your concern. You think he's much better than what he's given credit for.
RUSH: The operative word is "mean." Every Democrat and media person out there is talking about how "mean" it is.
RUSH: So you want to come together, right? Find the common ground? Sounds wonderful. Where is the common ground between communists and Americans, communists and capitalists? Where's common ground? Where's common ground between pro-life and pro-abortion? Where is this common ground? There isn't any, is there?"
RUSH: I don’t know what has happened to Professor Dershowitz, but whatever it is, I like it. I’ve always admired Professor Dershowitz, from the first time I met him in 1989. It was in a hallway at the New York radio station where the EIB Network was temporarily headquartered.
RUSH: I saw this, it just brought a smile to my face.
RUSH: Do you think Eric Holder might be behind this? He's thinking about running for president on the Democrat ticket in 2020.
RUSH: It's 36 pages. It prints out on my printer (12-point font) to 36 pages. In a newspaper, 36 pages, and there's nothing new in it! It's incredible! The Drive-Bys… It's almost been pornography to watch them deal with this today. They think they are dealing with something brand new. They are praising the reporting at the Washington Post as some of the most phenomenal work.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.