Rush 24/7 Morning Update: Fresh Air
RUSH: The University of Maryland selected top student Yang Shuping to deliver remarks during last Sunday’s commencement ceremony. Her speech created an international uproar.
RUSH: The University of Maryland selected top student Yang Shuping to deliver remarks during last Sunday’s commencement ceremony. Her speech created an international uproar.
RUSH: The thing to understand, sad as it may be, is that conservatism, by itself, is not the defeating agent for liberalism today. At one point I was among many who thought it would be. It's too bifurcated. It's too disjointed. It's too fractured, too un-unified, disunified, whatever, to be a formative opposition force. But there are still millions of people that want nothing to do with what liberalism and the Democrats stand for.
RUSH: I know most of you don't doubt me, but I wish there were a way to convince you. These people do not have a sense of humor, particularly when they are in the joke or being made fun of or laughed at.
RUSH: Andy wonders why aren't these guys asking Brennan about the collusion between Russia and Hillary and the Clinton Foundation.
RUSH: This is absurd. This is outrageous. McCain and Lindsey Graham are pronouncing the Trump budget dead on arrival before it shows up… This is despicable.
RUSH: When these 55% and growing figure out that there's nothing here, what are they gonna do? I'm telling you: The Democrats are scared to death of that day.
RUSH: It sounds to me like Brennan acknowledged they were spying on the Trump campaign and individuals in it. I think that's the story, that's the news.
RUSH: They've turned off the lights in the Eiffel Tower at midnight. You know how that is bound to frighten the terrorists? I mean, why didn't we think of something like this earlier? What a statement. What a show of force. Turning off the lights on the Eiffel Tower at midnight to show solidarity with the victims of terror attacks.
RUSH: We tend here to defend Trump against these all-out assaults that the left is making, and we are genuinely, honestly into anti-leftist studies here and so forth. But, folks, what Trump’s doing with the Saudis and Islam is not consistent with the Trump on the campaign trail. It just isn’t.
RUSH: No longer is this just gonna be a long list of stories that I might mention on the program. Now, you will get specifically the stories that I talk about on the program and a select list of a few others that I intended to get to but ran out of time. It's going to be more of a real-time base feature rather than just a generic list of places that I go to prep the show.