My Rebuttal to Obama’s Economic Lies May 6, 2016RUSH: So the economy is in the tank. It’s confirmed. All the April economic news is out, jobs news...
I’ve Never Seen Such Panic on Our Side May 6, 2016RUSH: Yes, greetings, my friends, and welcome. It’s great to have you here as we are at the...
Cacklin’ Hil: Trump’s a Loose Cannon May 5, 2016RUSH: We’re gonna start here on the Hillary portion of things. This was Anderson Cooper 360 last...
How Will Trump Get By Without the Support of the Bushes and Romney? May 5, 2016RUSH: Neil in Matthews, North Carolina. It’s great to have you. Welcome to the program. Hi....
Bill Goes Off the Reservation Again May 5, 2016RUSH: Somebody said just a moment ago — a caller said — he’s very worried that Trump...
How to Convert Never Trumpers May 5, 2016RUSH: Larry in Tucson. Thank you for waiting, sir. You’re next. Hello. CALLER: Hey, Rush, great to...
Why I’m Not Bothered by What Trump Said to CNN on the Minimum Wage May 5, 2016RUSH: “In Reversal, Trump Expresses Openness to Raising the Minimum Wage.” And you...
Liberals Always Attack GOP Wives May 5, 2016RUSH: Here’s Christopher in Lynchburg, Virginia, as we get started on the phones. Great to have...
Kasich’s Farewell Address: The People Came to See Me… And They Loved Me May 5, 2016RUSH: I forgot, folks. We forgot. John Kasich gave his farewell address yesterday as he retired...
The Experts Are Stumped by Trump May 5, 2016RUSH: Now, the conventional wisdom on Trump. There are two kinds. The two competing theories are...
Trump’s Retort to Vicente Fox’s Apology May 5, 2016RUSH: Let’s go back in time to the audio sound bites. (My fingers are crossed that it’s gonna work...
Did Kasich Conspire with Trump? May 4, 2016RUSH: Now, this is getting interesting. This is getting fun. I just got another email from a Trump...
Theory: The Media Wants Trump to Win May 4, 2016RUSH: Another story, and it’s just off the proverbial wire. And this is from Paula Bolyard, and...
How Any Conservative Can Consider Voting for Hillary Boggles the Mind May 4, 2016RUSH: Sharon, Tucson, Arizona. Great to have you. I’m glad you waited. Welcome to the EIB Network....
Cruz Lost, But Conservatism Didn’t Die May 4, 2016RUSH: So it apparently is the case that Ted Cruz decided between midnight and 2 a.m. Monday...
Trump Doesn’t Care How You Define Him — As Long as You Think He’s a Winner May 4, 2016RUSH: Raleigh, North Carolina, with Justin. Thank you for calling here. It’s great to have you on...
The GOP Died Two Years Ago May 4, 2016RUSH: Boston Globe headline: “RIP, GOP — Donald Trump has done more than win the...
My Gut: Trump Beats Hillary in Landslide May 4, 2016RUSH: Hold your horses, Trump supporters. Hold your horses. When I say, “We’ll examine what...
We Can’t Cover All of This in One Show May 4, 2016RUSH: Hey, folks, how are you? You know, I’m old enough to remember when people said, “Go...
WaPo Whitewashes the Lewinsky Saga May 3, 2016RUSH: There is this incredible piece here that I talked about moments ago in the Washington Post...