Hillary in Heap Big Doo-Doo Over Coal and Men Who Go “Off the Reservation” May 3, 2016RUSH: To the Hillary Clinton bite. She’s in heap big doo-doo over this whole coal business. I have...
All Trumpists Aren’t Brain-Dead Dufuses, But This Cruz Confrontation Bothers Me! May 3, 2016RUSH: Josh in Jackson Center, Pennsylvania. You’re first today. Great to have you on the program....
GOP Establishment Postmortems Begin May 3, 2016RUSH: The postmortems at the Republican establishment actually have already begun. You ever go to...
Ted Cruz Unloads on Donald Trump — And Now It’s Up to the People of Indiana May 3, 2016RUSH: Ted Cruz, apparently, has had enough. He has taken off the gloves and he is just pounding...
The Silent Majority Isn’t So Silent May 2, 2016RUSH: Here’s Mark, western New York. Great to have you, sir. Hello. CALLER: Mr. Limbaugh, what an...
What Mrs. Clinton Really Meant About Men Who “Get Off the Reservation” May 2, 2016RUSH: This is Trump in Fort Wayne, Indiana. We’re at number five now. Trump in Fort Wayne,...
Trumpists Confront Ted Cruz May 2, 2016RUSH: Now, this just happened not long ago. It was this afternoon in Marion, Indiana, during a...
Explaining What Happened in Arizona May 2, 2016RUSH: Delegate selection is ongoing at state party conventions, and Arizona… Here is the...
GOP-E Wants to Lose with Cruz May 2, 2016RUSH: Did you hear what Trump said? Well, that’s like asking, Did you ever hear what I said? Trump...
Eyewitness Report: Costa Mesa Trump Rally Felt Like an NFL Playoff Game May 2, 2016RUSH: We’ve got a guy from Coronado, California, who was actually at the Trump rally in Costa...
My Solution for Atrocious Polling May 2, 2016RUSH: Have you seen the polling data out of Indiana? Well, it’s crazy. It’s screwy. And I have a...
C-List Comedian Reduces the Obama Presidency and Legacy to a Racist Slur May 2, 2016RUSH: Yeah, just a few — just a very, very few — words about the White House...