Will Bernie Spread His Wealth Around? Oct 15, 2015RUSH: Matt in Peoria, Illinois, I got about 45 seconds but I wanted to get to you. How are you,...
The Ongoing Trump Transformation Oct 15, 2015RUSH: Well, what’s the question? (interruption) Snerdley wants to know how does anybody overcome...
The Liberty Plush Is Here! Oct 15, 2015RUSH: By the way, folks, over the past year we have literally been inundated at RushRevere.com,...
GOP Gets Tricked on the Independents Oct 15, 2015RUSH: St. Louis, this is Peter. Great to have you on the program, Peter. Hi.CALLER: Hi, Rush. Are...
Local Drive-By Anchor Interrogates Mrs. Clinton on Her E-Mails Oct 15, 2015RUSH: This is KUSA-TV. This is their website. This is in Denver. They released clips from an...
Meanwhile… the Economy Is Tanking Oct 15, 2015RUSH: You know, there’s unemployment news today. And I want to it read this to you.This is from...
The Washington Establishment Still Doesn’t Understand Trump’s Success Oct 15, 2015RUSH: In the Trump news which is coming up shortly where he’s shown to be surging now in early...
Why Is Obama Staying in Afghanistan? Oct 15, 2015RUSH: I want to start with Obama and Afghanistan. Remember the Democrats told us at their debate...